The Writing Process

Many have asked me over the years how do I write a book or movie script? My response is always the same, the movie script comes first then the book is written. However, it's not always that simple. You have to have a story idea and a picture in your mind as to who your main characters will be and the location for the story idea. If research has to be conducted, then it's off to the library or many hours on the internet researhing history, a location, or a city to ensure I can describe it correctly and accurately. Once I have my research done and my story concept locked down it's easier to begin the concept of writing the story down on paper. But that's not the reality of writing a book or script, there are other steps that must be taken before I can sit down and begin writing. Here is what has to happen before you can even think about writing a book or movie script, first you have to have an idea for a story. You must come up with a story concept . Ask yourself will y...