Writing ideas to get your mojo back

If you’re having a hard time getting into the writing swing in order to write an article, that book you’ve always wanted to write, or even that movie script you’ve been dying to create, but just can’t seem to get anything down on paper or know where to start. Well, there are various writing exercises you can try in order to get your mojo back. Let’s examine a few of them, This world is large and so is the English Language, it is also chaotic so when you limit yourself in time and words so you can create that specialized piece of prose. For example, you demand of yourself to now use certain words like adverbs or adjectives, or how about writing a poem that only has 7 words in each line. What this type of exercise does is allows your brain to discover language more organically and use it in a more productive way. The next type of exercise would be freewriting in order to open your subconscious mind to new jotting down your basic thoughts each day. You don’t write with a filter or c...