
Showing posts from July, 2023

Writing ideas to get your mojo back

  If you’re having a hard time getting into the writing swing in order to write an article, that book you’ve always wanted to write, or even that movie script you’ve been dying to create, but just can’t seem to get anything down on paper or know where to start. Well, there are various writing exercises you can try in order to get your mojo back. Let’s examine a few of them, This world is large and so is the English Language, it is also chaotic so when you limit yourself in time and words so you can create that specialized piece of prose. For example, you demand of yourself to now use certain words like adverbs or adjectives, or how about writing a poem that only has 7 words in each line. What this type of exercise does is allows your brain to discover language more organically and use it in a more productive way. The next type of exercise would be freewriting in order to open your subconscious mind to new jotting down your basic thoughts each day. You don’t write with a filter or c...

Are you a reluctant writer, well here’s 7 writing activities to help you get your mojo back.

  Are you a reluctant writer, well here’s 7 writing activities to help you get your mojo back. Writing is never an easy job. Whether it be stumped for a writing idea, subject matter or lack of research causes a good writer to hem and haw about sitting down and writing something. I know that’s what happens to me as a professional writer. I know what I want to write about, but the words just won’t come for some reason. When writing isn’t fun anymore and becomes a chore, that’s when you have to use my 7 activities to help you get back to fun in writing again. 1)       First off try to write a bit of poetry. While I am no good at poetry, it does help to compile about 20 or 30 lines of random thoughts into one prose of poetry. Won’t always make sense, but it’s fun to see if it does or not. 2)       How about using the old English class concept of chain stories, you create a beginning, middle and end to a short story or a long one...

How to write a kick butt Narrative

  How to write a kick butt Narrative As a writer who has done a ton of research into the proper way to create a storyline from an original idea, plus understanding the groundwork laid out by previous storytellers, I’ve figured out how to create and write a narrative that is both engaging and gripping due to understanding the true elements of a story from it’s theme to the character biographies to the plot, the conflict of interest by the protagonist, the style of the story and the end point of view. These are the items we will go over in this article today, so, let’s get started. Your first thought of any creation is the theme to which will drive the story itself and your characters. It is important to know how the story will play out before you start to write. For example, is there something in the past of your main character that he or she needs to learn, say in a love relationship or a behavioral message that needs to be learned. Are their feelings to be explored, strengthen...

What's with this writers' strike?

  Writers across the world strive every day to create manuscripts for books, both print, and audio, along with their counterpart writers who write for movies, television, and radio. Each writer is talented yet underpaid for their talent. The WGA, Writer Guild of America which is a union that covers the talented individuals who make up the stories, and write the dialogue for movies, television, the news, radio, and other outlets within the entertainment industry is currently fighting for the rights and pay of their members and even nonmembers working within the industry. While I am not a member of the WGA, I support their work in fighting for proper pay scale for their talent and ability to create the best characters, dialogue and scenes that help visualize the story they are telling each day of the year. A while back the WGA asked their members to vote as to whether or not they should strike, and their members voted 97.85% yes, so on May 1 of this year the AMPTP, Alliance of Motion...