You’ve gotten a publishing deal contract, now what do you do?

You’ve gotten a publishing deal contract, now what do you do? No matter how new to publishing you are the first thing you want to do is sign the contract and mail it back to the publisher because you’re so excited. But don’t do that. Be smart and protect yourself and your work. Let’s go through the contract one area at a time. Never enter any contract lightly, always negotiate the contract to your benefit, not the publisher’s benefit. What does that mean you might ask, well let’s break it down so you’ll understand. As an experienced author who was taken advantage of by a publisher, I learned my lesson and I want to pass on that knowledge to you the future authors of the world. No matter how they word their contract, a publisher’s language can not only harm you, tie you up for many years and eventually come back to haunt you in the future. You must educate yourself on how to conduct this contract negotiation as a business deal, not as an emotionally excited teenager looking to get...