So you want to write a Sci-Fi Book?

So you want to write a Sci-Fi Book? I’ve never been able to create a world where aliens lived, so I will never be able to write a Science Fiction Book worthy of publishing. Now give me a murder mystery or political drama and I’ll run circles around you, but sci-fi no way. However, I do know how to write a book, after all I’ve written five of them already and am working on a new series now. So, I can tell you how to write a book, so let’s get started with Sci-Fi fun. Let’s start by asking ourselves a few questions: Does your world have a believable structure that your audience will expect? Don’t neglect your characters by not giving your readers their background story. Have you read enough science fiction novels to understand the realm of what science fiction could be? Science fiction followers are meticulous in what they expect in a storyline. So be sure to know your audience and what they will expect from you as a writer. Also know your subgenres so you plug your work...