How to write a story outline

When writing or planning to write a book, you must and I mean, must create a book outline because it’s critical for you as the writer to stay on course and to help your readers stay in line with the story and not get muddles by a story that flops back and forth or all over the place. The reason I say this is because the outline is the very foundation of your writing process, kind of like your roadmap of thoughts to stay on track. An Outline is great to stay on track of your story, but as a writer I can tell you it also prevents that dreaded writer’s block when you sit at your desk staring at a blank page not knowing what to write next. The outline will help you prevent such writer’s block. Because no matter how experienced you are as a writer, writing a book is challenging and daunting if you don’t have your roadmap to keep you on the road to writing that novel. How daunting is you’re asking, well try thinking about it like this: try stringing together a fluid sequence of word...