What type of story will you write?

So what type of book are you thinking about writing? Fiction or Non-Fiction? Will it be a short story or a novel? The type of book you plan to write has a lot of planning needed before you actually begin to put pen to paper or your fingers to a keyboard. It's just not that easy to sit down and begin to write. Over the next few weeks we're going to break down the story/book writing process to help you better comprehend what you are undertaking in order to help you better understand the process and help you fulfill the desire to write a book or story. So let's get started. 

What type of story will you write? The genre is important as the picture above depicts the type of stories that go under each type of book, fiction or non-fiction. Then you have to decide what type of writing will you write, a short story, a novella, a novel, or an epic novel? Knowing what type of book you plan to write helps you to understand how many words you will need to achieve in order to fulfill that goal. The following picture lays out the number of words needed for each type of book you plan to write. 

Once you determine the type of story and book you plan to write you can begin to lay out yout story in an outline format which we will describe in next weeks blog post. Until then, decide what type of book you plan to write and how m any words you will need. Until next week, think about your story and jot down notes to help you stay on track. 

Author Elizabeth Kilbride is a former political operative, author, scriptwriter, historian, journalist. business professional, and creative artist, and life coach consultant. Ms. Kilbride holds a Masters in Criminology and a BS in Business Management who stepped out of the loop for a while, but who is now back with a powerful opinion and voice in the direction of this country and our economy. As a life coach, she is available to counsel individuals to enjoy their dreams and a better life. Ms. Kilbride loves to travel, photograph her surroundings and is also a gourmet cook who loves to garden and preserve food for the winter months. 


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