Short Stories can help in writing process


Short Stories can help in writing process

Many authors didn’t start out writing the preverbal 125,000-word novel first time out, they actually honed their talents by writing short stories and holding on to them, then later on digging them out and adding to them to make them into a novel. Even I have at times written maybe 10-25 pages or less type of short story. I just get the story out of my head and put it away until I have the time to flesh out the story or add to it.  Today the 24th of November 2021 starts the Thanksgiving holiday weekend here in America, why not spend Friday sitting down and begin writing a short story? If you already have a story concept in your head, just sit down in a calm place and write. See what happens. You never know you might spark a full-length novel in my mind. Don’t tell anyone what you’re doing if there is company in the house, just quietly do it on your own.

A short story is just that, short so you don’t have 30 pages to describe the entire location, the complete history of your main character, but you do have to have the patience of a saint and tell the story when you only have a few pages to tell that story. As I’ve said in previous blog posts on this page, this is why I start writing the movie script first then flesh it out in word document once that’s done. It allows me to get the story out of my head with just what the scene is, who’s in the scene and what is the dialogue – nothing more, nothing less. Short and simple.

Short story allows you to paint a clear picture of main character by using strong verbs without showing the major details that take up to much of the page. This concept will help you strengthen your ability to tell the story without showing the story, if you understand what I’m saying here. Think about it this way, a chapter in a book is a short story within the bigger picture of the story. If you conquer the ability to write short stories, you will be able to write stronger chapters once you get to the point of writing that novel you want to accomplish in your life.

My mentor once told me that a short story has the following components in it, so don’t be scared.

Kiss system – Keep it Simple story and focus on one single portion of your character’s life

2) Focus on a theme and message that you’re wanting to teach someone

3) Allow the short story to take on a life of its own

4) Give the reader a clear picture of your main character right away

5) Think of as many endings as possible before you begin to outline or even start writing.

Remember don’t be intimidated by the concept of writing a short story because a short story only has 100 – 15,000 words in it. That’s only 1-25 pages. So go for it over the holiday weekend and try to start your short story. Good luck.

Author Elizabeth Kilbride is a former political operative, author, scriptwriter, historian, journalist. business professional, and creative artist, and life coach consultant. Ms. Kilbride holds a Masters in Criminology and a BS in Business Management who stepped out of the loop for a while, but who is now back with a powerful opinion and voice in the direction of this country and our economy. As a life coach, she is available to counsel individuals to enjoy their dreams and a better life. Ms. Kilbride loves to travel, photograph her surroundings and is also a gourmet cook who loves to garden and preserve food for the winter months.


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