Should you copyright your work? Yes or No? If you’ve written a book, a movie script or even a song, created an artistic drawing, painting, or produced a photograph you need to copyright your work immediately. Whether you produced fiction nonfiction poetry, a reference book or a textbook, you need to copyright your work. This would also include any photographs to which you plan to sell, you’ve created coding for a computer program, produced material for a website or online store, your artwork, technical drawings, you’ve recorded a song or created a sound recording, what about you’ve written a song, a screenplay or a script, feature film, documentary, animated film, television show, or video, you need to copyright your work. It’s pretty simple how to copywrite your work, go to the copyright office website using this link U.S. Copyright Office | U.S. Copyright Office , click on the tab that says registration and fill out the form. Pay your fee, it will tell you how to pay...
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