Final Draft of your book

So you have finished your book, so you think! Nope, you haven't really finished, you need to give it a day or two, then go back and reread it and do some editing. First take a look at the number of words in your book? Yes, write that number down you'll need to include it in your cover letter to a publisher. Then begin your editing phase, you see there are three phases of editing. Your editing is for storytelling purposes, second will be your correcting anything you forgot during the first editing phase, and then the final editing stage where you send it off to another person to read it with fresh eyes. This last person can be a friend or someone you contract to read the book and make corrections in spelling, grammar, or content. after that last phase, you go back and reread it for a final time and tweak it accordingly, and then you're finally done with your book. 

Elizabeth Kilbride is a Writer and Editor with forty years of experience in writing with 12 of those years in the online content sphere. Author of 5 books and a Graduate with an Associate of Arts from Phoenix University in Business Management, then a degree. Mass Communication and Cyber Analysis from Phoenix University, then on to Walden University for her master’s in criminology with emphasis on Cybercrime and Identity Theft, and is currently studying for her Ph.D. degree in Criminology. Her work portfolio includes coverage of politics, current affairs, elections, history, and true crime. Elizabeth is also a gourmet cook, life coach, and avid artist in her spare time, proficient in watercolor, acrylic, oil, pen and ink, Gouche, and pastels. As a political operative having worked on over 300 campaigns during her career, Elizabeth has turned many life events into books and movie scripts while using history to weave interesting storylines. She also runs 6 blogs that range from art to life coaching, to food, to writing, and opinion or history pieces each week. 





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